The Latest Bugle is available!

Art League:   The Briny Breezes Art League is open to any Briny resident with payment of their dues. The league sponsors courses in different media: watercolor, acrylic, and oil, and are available for beginners and more advanced students. When possible, demonstrations are a part of the regular meetings. The major event of the year is the annual Art Show.  All league members are expected to participate in supporting the show.   For more information, please go to the Briny Art Leagues webpage:

Membership Dues per year, Locker (if available) $15 per person additional 

Meeting Dates: First Tuesday evening of each month 

Beach Club:   The purpose of the Beach Club is to celebrate our beach and our ocean front clubhouse. Our theme is: Every Hour in Briny is a Happy Hour!  Each year the Beach Club donates the proceeds of the 50/50 raffle for various projects to benefit our community such as the purchase of the Tiki Huts, donations to other clubs and charities, sound equipment for clubhouse, appliances for clubhouse, etc.

Membership Dues per year 

Typical Events include:

  •  Wednesday Happy Hour: now held outdoors. 5 pm on Wednesdays bring drinks and snacks up to our Oceanfront deck, grassy area in front of deck, or any of the 16 other seating areas. Join us to keep our community spirit alive.
  • Fun Fridays at the Fountain (dates and themes to be announced)
  • Monthly 50/50. We will sell tickets at all events and through the mail. The drawing will be held on the last Wednesday of each month.

Billiards Club:   The purpose of the Billiards Club is to provide a room for those members who like to play billiards. The billiards room has two professional pool tables, 70 cue sticks, two sets of cue balls, chalk, brushes. and two table covers.

Membership Dues per year  

There are three tournaments each year. The first tournament will be the third Saturday in January at 9:00 am. Second will be on the third Saturday in February with the the third being held on the third Saturday in March. The third tournament is our trophy tournament. The winner to this event will have his or her name placed on our permanent trophy which is displayed in our billiards room. We presently have __ members and encourage anyone interested to join.

Bingo Club:   The purpose of the Bingo Club is to brighten up Monday evenings. We charge dues to enable us to buy better quality cards and new Bingo Balls.

Membership Dues per year 

Meeting Dates: Every Monday during the season

Time -- Doors open at 6:00 pm -- Game begins at 7:00 pm

Place -- Auditorium

Boating and Fishing Club:    What is the Boating & Fishing Club? It’s a social club that started out years ago and has kept its original name. However, it has nothing to do with or about boating or fishing. The objective of the club is to keep everyone informed of activities in Briny. Our members get together at our meetings to socialize, have free coffee, donuts or muffins and get to know each other. Looking forward to meeting the many people who have moved into our community as buyers or renters, and very happy to see all our repeat members back with us. If you have any questions about joining the Boating & Fishing Club, ask the front office for a form to join, or just look in the Bugle for the meeting date and you can join our next meeting. 

Everyone is welcome to join!

Membership Dues per year, guests and children are free to come to a meeting and have a great time with their friends and neighbors

BBC-8 Club:   Briny's very own television news and entertainment station. Briny news, announcements, club activities and interviews with interesting people in and around Briny.  

We are currently working hard with our new cable/internet provider - Lux Speed to get back up again and expect to resolve technical issues in the near term. We will update you with what channel it will be on your Roku/ Real Choice tv app when we know more. The BBC8 Club is new and the dues are $5.00 each for the current season. We are asking for everyone to help with a donation to the Club this year to make the transition to this new technology, which we believe will bring some new and exciting opportunities to benefit Briny!   Thank you for your support!  

Membership Dues per year 

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the following:

  • Camera work
  • Technicians
  • Anchors (on air talent)
  • Guests
  • and many other positions throughout the season

To help out or just find out more about BBC-8 feel free to contact:

  • John Taylor (President) 248-730-3264 or email 
  • Stan Brunell (Engineer) 203-214-9066 or email  

Cabaret Club:   Join the Cabaret Club if you like to dance and have fun! There is a dance the second Saturday of every month beginning in December.

Membership Dues per year  

Cabaret meetings 9:30 the day of Cabaret dances (Ocean Club House)

Chiseler's Club:   The Chiselers' Club of Briny Breezes provides facilities for and the promotion of woodworking and related activities. The meetings are advertised in the Bugle and are normally held twice a month. Any adult resident shall be eligible for membership provided they attend two consecutive meetings and are voted on as new members and approved by the Executive Committee. All members pay an annual membership fee. This entitles members to use the Chiselers' facility and tools. Lockers are limited but may become available depending on demand. Certain tools can be signed out by members. An annual show and fundraiser is held by the organization in mid March. Elections are held annually for the various executive officers by the membership.

Returning Member Dues $10 per person, Locker Fees (if available) $10, Tall Locker Fees (if available) $20    1st time New Membership fee is $25.00 to join 

If unable to attend a meeting and need to pay yearly dues or for those interested in joining, please send to Greg Trudell Q-201 with your name, unit #, and contact information.

  • Meeting Location: Chiselers' Club
  • Meeting Dates: First and Third Monday
  • Time: 8:30 AM Coffee 9:00 AM Meeting

Curtain Raisers Club:   We try to provide an opportunity for Briny residents to associate with others who enjoy performing and/or supporting our stage presentations. 

The Club produces a "show" each season for the enjoyment of Briny residents and friends. Each season we ask for suggestions and try to do something that will appeal to Briny residents and use our stage facilities including up-to-date sound equipment and a new state-of-the-art spotlight.

Membership Dues per year 

The Briny Breezes Curtain Raisers is looking for you to join this coming season: Have you ever wanted to be a coffee table dancer, share in the excitement of a production, or operate a theatrical audio system?   Curtain Raisers can help you with this or other big things on your ‘bucket list.’ 

We look forward to presenting another great show for our community this season. It always turns out to be a great time with fun had by all. Please join us as we need participation both on stage and behind the scenes. You do not need to be professional or even have any experience – we will train you and get you running up to speed with the rest of us amateurs. 

See the Briny calendar for Curtain Raisers meetings

Duplicate bridge:   Duplicate bridge games are held every Monday and Friday evenings in the Community Building.  

Party Bridge games are held Sundays from 5 - 7pm and Tuesday afternoons at 12:15  

Bridge lessons are given each week   All bridge players are welcomed

Exercise Club/Gym:   The Briny Exercise Club/Gym is open 5am to 11pm for the convenience of its members. 

There are 2 bikes, one recumbent bike and one air bike, an elliptical machine, a treadmill, a rowing machine, a 3 station universal machine, a weight bench with various weights, a stretching bench and some other various small equipment. There is a TV for viewing while exercising.

You must have a signed waiver on file.  Form available in the Briny office or on our website

Membership Dues per year are $60 per person- valid Jan-Dec, guests can have temporary membership for 2 weeks max. for $20,  or if you have renters that want to use it during their time in Briny the cost is $30 for less than 4 months max.  EVERYONE needs a signed waiver on file.

Any inquiries, contact Cindy Demma 954-999-3596 

Garden Club:   The Garden Club is about fun, friendship ad the joy of keeping our Briny BEAUTIFUL with stunning gardens and fantastic flowers! 

We also enjoy many of the following activities:

  • Trips to Johnathan Dickinson State Park
  • Visiting The Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden
  • The Bonnet House and Gardens and The Sunday House and Gardens
  • Mounts Botanical Gardens
  • Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
  • Flamingo Gardens
  • Guest speakers and educational video presentations relating to Florida horticulture
  • Container gardens for our grounds beautifying shuffleboard wall pool patio and surrounding decks and the community center
  • Annual Poinsettia sale
  • Sale of solar safety lights
  • Adopt-a-pot beautification project
  • "Blooming Good" awards

Membership Dues per year 

We meet on the second Thursday of the month 

8:30 am Coffee and Fellowship

Good Music Club:   The Good Music Club brings quality entertainment to Briny. Minimum $5 entrance at the door per person to enable us to bring you these shows. 

See the Briny Calendar for performances this season

Membership Dues per year 

Hobby Club:   The Hobby Club offers a multitude of classes including sewing, jewelry making, stained glass, quilting, and many, many more. 

We have a lot of fun -- come join us as we begin a new and exciting season.

Membership Dues per year 

Ping Pong Club:   The purpose of the Ping Pong Club is to provide an opportunity for active ping pong play among Briny Breezes residents and guests. The Club hosts a Ping Pong Playoff and Pizza Party annually.

Membership Dues per year 

Meeting Dates: Every Saturday during the season  Time -- 7:00 pm    Place -- Community Center  See the Bugle for dates

Shuffleboard Club:   The shuffleboard club is excited to have you join their club and activities. There is always a club member willing to help you learn how to play and learn the strategies of the game. The more you play, the more you will be apt to get involved in the club activities. 

Club Activities:

1. Fun Nights Tuesday 6:45pm This is weekly play (starting first of November) organized by the club where you will get a card to tell you what court to go to, and what color you will be playing. Two board games are played.

2. Quarter Games Check Bugle for day and time. To make it fun and interesting, you will get a card to know where you play and who you play with; the winner of the game gets a quarter from the loser. 3 games are played

3. Couples League Wednesday nights starting in January. This is for the more experienced players as this is more competitive, and not the time to share helpful playing strategies.

Check the Bugle for other shuffleboard activities dates and times, club information is also posted in the marquee by the courts.

Shuffleboard meetings are always at the West Clubroom 1st Tuesday of the month @ 8:30am December-April Club Membership is $5.00 per person Please put your $ in an envelope with your name, unit # and phone # to Mary Curtis L-5

Briny Breezes Surf Club                         STAY UP, NEVER DOWN!

You should join the Briny Breezes Surf Club and no worries if you do not surf.  We are a group of Ocean Loving, Surfing Enthusiasts that meet to enjoy surfing together, socializing with each other, having fun, promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging physical fitness through different ocean related activities to the Shareholders of Briny Breezes, their Family and Guests while simultaneously promoting volunteering and respect for Township.

YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT TO JOIN THE CLUB but a resident may sign up a guest visiting them to participate in any club event. A liability waiver is required from all members and guests that participate in the Briny Breezes Surf Club.  Contact James M. Arena @ 561-572-8888

1.) If you are a resident and would like to join please complete Resident Membership Waiver.  

2.) If you are having a guest that will come to one of our functions please complete Guest Participation Waiver.   

Swim Club:   Our mission is to promote active, safe, and healthful activities in the swimming pool and cabana area by 1) planning maintenance of pool and cabana furniture, 2) maintaining the plants and flowers, 3) coordinating major maintenance needs with the Board of Directors, and 4) sponsoring swim classes for both men and women to promote special exercise programs. 

We have an Annual Hot Dog Luncheon too!  see Bugle for details

Membership Dues per year   Meetings: Third Thursday of the month  Noon At the Pool Cabana - bring your own lunch

Classes are held M/W/F 

9:15  Water Aerobics by tape   (Season and off Season)

10:15 Water Aerobics (Season)

Travel Club:   The Travel Club is one of Briny's largest. Speakers, usually Briny members, will make presentations on trips they have taken.  Many presenters will show articles they have gathered during trips. Join us to hear about exciting trips and share your travel experiences with fellow Brinyites!  

Membership Dues per year

Zumba:   Zumba Fitness with Nancy!  All Levels - All are welcome

Ocean Clubhouse - Tuesdays / Thursdays 9:30 am

If interested, contact: Nancy Greenblatt @ L207 call / text (207)838-3317 or email

TBD  Zumba "Gold" Thursdays 11:00 am